Mainline Products

Activ-8 Dedicated Base Mix
Mainline's reputation of breaking new ground in carp bait technology has never been more apparent than through the release of Activ-8. It is neither a fishmeal, bird food or a milk protein mix but contains eight active ingredients, some of which we believe have not before been used in carp baits.
This is a superb all year round bait, being nutritional but easily digested. Fish take to it from the word go, many big fish being caught on the baits first introduction to a water. Its success on all the big fish waters it has been used on is unrivalled. The Activ-8 nicknamed the eight ball, is the only choice for the dedicated carper after big, pressured fish.
This is a superb all year round bait, being nutritional but easily digested. Fish take to it from the word go, many big fish being caught on the baits first introduction to a water. Its success on all the big fish waters it has been used on is unrivalled. The Activ-8 nicknamed the eight ball, is the only choice for the dedicated carper after big, pressured fish.