Mainline Products

Hybrid Dedicated Base Mix
Two of our biggest carp catching baits of all time have been Cell and Activ-8 and now steps within our modern research of bait ingredients has allowed us to draw upon the qualities of these baits and take them to another, new level of bait development. The result, dare we say it is a new ‘super-bait’ aptly named – Hybrid!
Hybrid, the latest in our long line of dedicated base mixes, truly is a bait like no other. Take the smell for example, like many of our food source baits you just can’t put your finger on what its is – you just know it smells…well carpy. Being neither an out-and-out fishmeal, high-protein nor bird food type bait; the style of this bait is typified by the name Hybrid. As it is the true combination of the very best ingredients and elements of bait design. It is quite simply the ultimate in carp food and structure to provoke a feeding response at any time of year regardless of water temperature.
Hybrid, the latest in our long line of dedicated base mixes, truly is a bait like no other. Take the smell for example, like many of our food source baits you just can’t put your finger on what its is – you just know it smells…well carpy. Being neither an out-and-out fishmeal, high-protein nor bird food type bait; the style of this bait is typified by the name Hybrid. As it is the true combination of the very best ingredients and elements of bait design. It is quite simply the ultimate in carp food and structure to provoke a feeding response at any time of year regardless of water temperature.