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Mainline Products

Souper Zig Mix

The Souper Zig Mix has been designed to create a suspended ‘cloud’ of attraction in the upper layers and throughout the water column that’s ideally suited to Zig fishing.

This is achieved with a groundbait-like mix that incorporates a combination of active enhancers; stimulants and ‘slow sinking’ crushed particles to provide a consistent stream of attraction.

Simply add lake water and any Activ-Ade Particle & Pellet Syrup to personalise your mix - extremely attractive at all times of year! 

Available in 5kg bags

Mixing Tip: Add water a little at a time and momentarily test the consistency of the mix by throwing a small handful into your margin. Continue until the mix is ‘sloppy’ and will disperse quickly, but will still bind slightly for dispatch via Spomb or spod or until the reach your desired texture. 

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