Mainline Consultants

Key Information
Name: Alex van Voorst
Age: 60
Region: ICT Manager for the local Government in the Hague
Personal Bests
Foreign Mirror: 67lb 10oz
Foreign Common: 57lb 2oz
About Alex van Voorst
So far I broke more than 10 lake records in France and caught in 2008 the France official record sturgeon of 86,9 lbs but every carp when it is big or small it doesn’t really matters…it will give me a nice feeling of satisfaction for all the work that I have done to get the puzzle into place….
I have been a member of the Mainline Team since 2010 and I can honestly say that it was one of my best moves I ever made in my carp fishing! The bait for me is just perfect. It gives me the confident that every carp angler needs!
I make about 15 to 20 sessions a year in France. Mostly on high pressure waters….and I can tell you that Mainline baits have never let me down! Of course it is a combination of the right rig and searching for the right spot…but at the moment I have this all worked out I can sit down and relax waiting for my first screaming take!
Mainline is simply the best…
In the last 7 years released 6 DVD’s about carp fishing in France (Betaalwater in Frankrijk).
Wrote a book about carp fishing (Karperavonturen in Frankrijk). Beginning to write more for Dutch angling publications.