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Ali Hamidi

About Ali Hamidi

The bug bit in 1991, when I landed my first carp. I carried fishing for a mixture of species, but always fished for carp with one rod. Before long, the match rod was disregarded and the multi-rod carp approach became the only way, the rest as they say is history. Unlike many anglers these days, I’ve been with Mainline for as long as I can remember. Before I became a recognised figure in angling, I used to pay for my bait, until Mainline took me on board as a consultant. People forget that we are in a lucky position to choose what bait we use, but I CHOOSE MAINLINE, not because it’s free, but because it’s the best. There is no competition in my opinion, and sometimes it seems like I’m over hyping it, but seriously, just ask anyone who’s joined the firm from other companies, they can’t believe how their results have improved, that isn’t coincidence, that’s quality shining through.


Sky Sports, Discovery Shed, Monthly contributor to Angling magazines

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