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Mainline Consultants

About Richard Stangroom

I started fishing at the age of 9 following a family canal boat holiday, where I fished every evening for a week without catching a thing….but I loved every minute of it…and on the last day my mum caught a 50lb roach – or that’s what it seemed like to me – I was spellbound!

For a couple of years after, I fished local rivers and park lakes until I was old enough to join Barnet & District Angling Club at the age of 11. It was on their fishery ‘Shepherds Way’, that I caught my first carp…and from that moment I was hooked on carp fishing.

A couple of years later in 1983, I moved onto fishing at Stanborough lakes (AKA – the cracker factory), where over the next two seasons I had a lot of success and where I caught my first ever 20.

In 1985 I started fishing at Horseshoe Lake and also joined a local carp syndicate in Hertfordshire called Hook Lake where I spend most of my school and collage summer holidays, only leaving the lake to go to work on a Friday and Saturday night. By 1989 I was the head bailiff and in 1994 when the opportunity arose to buy the lease from Fourways Fisheries, who had run it since the mid 70’s, I put together a consortium of existing members to buy the lease, and today, along with two other original investors, we still run the syndicate –

In the mid 90’s I had short spells on Wormleyberry and Horton Church Lake. It was during my time at Horton in 1995 when I meat anglers such as Dave Lane and Ian Chillcott, amongst others, who introduced me to Mainline Baits.

At about the same time I had started to work in a voluntary capacity for The Carp Society, initially helping organise the Spring and Winter conferences. Forward wind 2 years and I was employed fulltime by the Society as the Commercial Manager.

In 1999 I left the Carp Society and set up a website design company building the first websites for many businesses in the angling industry, such as: Solar Tackle, Korda, Trakker, Aqua, Harefield Tackle, Johnson Ross, Simpsons of Turnford, Leslies of Luton, Danson Angling, Big Carp Magazine, Angling Publications (Carpworld & Crafty Carper) Kryston, Cemex Angling, Mirror Pool Fisheries and of course, Mainline Baits – to name just a few.

At around the same time I’d got married and had two sons, so on top of running a new business my fishing was extremely curtailed and remained so for the next 15 years.

However, I made sure I got out at least a couple of times each season, and then in 2015 I was invited by some friend to go fishing to France for a week. Combined with my family and work life becoming easier, this was the catalyst that got me back into fishing.

With the exception of a season on Horton back in the 90’s, I have never been interested in chasing big carp, instead preferring to fish pretty, uncrowded lakes…hence the reason that almost 40 years on, I can still be found stalking 20’s out of Hook Lake.


I have used Mainline Baits since the early 90’s and pretty much exclusively since around 1998.

The simple reason I settled on Mainline was because I caught more on the Mainline bait I was using, which at the time was ‘The Grange’, then I did on any other bait. I’d also be out-fishing other anglers on the same venue.

I have always believed that a lot of success in fishing is based on confidence, and I have so much confidence when using any of the bait in the Mainline range, that no matter where I’m fishing, big lakes to small pools, in the UK or abroad, I only ever use Mainline baits.

There are a number of reasons you’ll catch fish; you need the watercraft to find them, the correct rigs for the situation to hook them...and so on, but ultimately, it’s the bait fish choose to pick up that will determine whether you catch or not...and in my experience, they certainly seem very attracted to all the bait I’ve used across the Mainline range.


Hertfordshire Regional Organiser for The Carp Society
Commercial Manager of The Carp Society (1996-2000)
Articles in Carpworld, CARPology, Big Carp, Carp Fisher, Total Carp and Advanced Carp Fishing magazines
BCSG Regional Organiser for Herts and Middx


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