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Mainline Consultants

About Tom Dove

Growing up in Essex Tom fished lot’s of the small Day Ticket waters that were close to home, Crow Green being one of his favourites, when he turned just 13 his family moved to Spain making him think his fishing would be cut down massively. However it turned out that he made the effort to fish more as he was making regular week trips back to the UK to fish solid weeks on Walthamstow reservoirs and it was here that he really learned his trade. During this time Tom managed to win the BYCAC in 2006  Since then Tom moved back to England and fished many waters around the country enjoying everywhere he has fished.. Catching some lovely carp to over 50lbs.

Tom has an impressive CV of big carp both home and abroad and most recently, has sprung to popular attention in the ITV series Monster Carp.


Total carp, Crafty Carper, Advanced carp, Angling Times, Thinking Tackle Sky Sports and Korda free DVD

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