Mainline Articles

Will Reynolds tells you everything you need to know about Activated Carp Cell Pellets...
What they are?
“One of the first flavours and attractants that the Mainline Match team were keen to infuse into the pellets was the renowned Mainline Cell flavour! For years match anglers have used this sweet additive on baits, especially pellets, to give them that killer edge and sweet touch. Carp Cell Pellets have this lethal flavour ready and prepared within them, meaning however you feed them, they offer that deadly Cell attraction straight from the bag!”

Why are they affective?
“I think the Cell Pellets work so well because certain fish are drawn to a sweet edge. Species like bream, skimmers and F1s absolutely love it, and these offer Cell with the traditional fishmeal of the pellet too. It’s also great to use something different to anglers around when fishing matches or on busy venues and using Cell pellets that stand out from the bait other angers are using!”

How do you get the best from them?
“For me, Cell Pellets come into their own in the Autumn and Winter, when I’m steering away from the strong meaty smells like Activ-8 and looking for that sweeter touch to catch everything that swims from carp, to F1s, skimmers and bream. Using the pellets hard straight from the bag as feed and hookbait is simple and effective. Feeding them ‘pinging’ style with a catapult works well on the pole, or using a pole-mounted pot for more accuracy. The 2mm Cell Pellets make an incredible feed when soaked-up to soften them too, ideal for placing on a Method or Hybrid Feeder, or feeding on the pole.”

Tip from the top!
“Cell Pellets really come into play on venues that get fished by specimen carp anglers, as the fish in these venues are used to that addictive Cell edge. I like to push this flavour even further by giving my Cell pellets a glug of the Cell Sticky Syrup, releasing and enhancing this superb additive even more!”

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- Section 1. What they are?
- Section 2. Why are they affective?
- Section 3. How do you get the best from them?
- Section 4. Tip from the top!