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Adam Reed on maximising your chances of results! Posted by Adam Reed
Adam Reed explains how you can maximise your chances of results!
Late summer/early autumn is one of my favourite times to be out, the fish really start to feed hard at this time of year and a lot more frequently giving you longer feeding spells and obviously maximising your chances of results.

Because the windows of opportunity start to increase in regards to bite times, I like to maximise the time my rods are in the water and keep the baiting-up down to a minimum. The best way to do that in my experience is bait heavy, with lots of small food items. This keeps fish in the swim for longer periods of time and also sees them coming back over and over again. I like lots of hemp/crushed boilie chopped boilie and plenty of pellet with a good helping of liquid. A full bucket is a large spread of bait that will sit in and around all lake beds from silt to clean gravel. I’ve got absolute confidence that you never really get fully cleaned out when using a mix like this, as the small particles and scent will sit on the lake bed and keep your area attractive for the carp during your session. The other great benefit to fishing over a mix like this is hookbait disguise. With so many bits and pieces in the swim the carp get tunnel vision and eat everything. If you observe carp feeding on just boilies they’re often slow and methodical and they will on many occasions identify the hookbait, but when fishing with a mix as I’ve described above, they feed much lower to ground at a faster pace, sieving through the silt and gravel and before they know it they’ve picked up your hookbait. With this is mind, I like to use a balance hookbait or very low-lying pop up, the reason for this is your hookbait will often get blown about whilst carp are feeding and having it reset is absolutely crucial.

I couldn’t recommend this baiting approach enough, my personal results have been great and this is set to be my mix for the foreseeable future. I’ll list below my mix of choice, give it a go and let me know how you get on.

Mainline Cell boilies, crushed and halved in 15mm and 10mm.
Active-8 Response Pellet.
Mainline Power+ Particle, Hemp and Maize.
Mainline Cell Smart Liquid.
Hookbaits, either a low-lying Pineapple Juice pop-ups or a Cell Cork Dust Wafter

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About Author

Like many my fishing started at a very young age tagging along with both my Dad and Uncle whenever I could, learing as much as possible befor I was old enough by myself or with friends. Since the age of 10 or 11 I've taken my fishing for all specis very seriously and still do to this day. Wat... Find out more
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