In this article Mainline Consultant, Mick Tuck, talks about a new venue and a new challenge!
First Blood! 27lb 8oz Stunner!New Grange boilies! My first choice!
Bob and I sorted the shelters and kit for the night and got stuck into dinner, a very nice pasta, whilst sitting and watching the water. I set my alarm for early hours to get up and watch the water. This paid off too as I was soon on the end of not one but two very pretty upper twenty carp.
Second that morning 25lbs 6ozs
Until next time, tight lines!
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Mick TuckIT Manager
Having fished since I was young enough to do so, starting out in the parks and canals close to my East End home in Stepney Green, I got the bug for carp after seeing some older boys catching them in Victoria Park. Since around 1989 I have been solely fishing for those elusive scaleys, at fir... Find out more