Mainline carper, Ali Hamidi reveals how using 'critically-balanced' baits couldn't be easier thanks to our new range of Balanced Wafter hookbaits!
Want to land more fish? Then pay extra attention your hookbait!Matching your freebies in taste, colour and reaction to feeding carpThe addition of a PVA nugget ensures my wafter is well presented
Balanced Wafters are available in 12mm, 15mm and 18mm sizes, which as a rule match size 8, size 6 and size 4 hooks respectivelyAlways check the balance of your rig in the margin before casting outSome leadcore wire on the Hair is a good way of making a little adjustment to the balance
The bug bit in 1991, when I landed my first carp. I carried fishing for a mixture of species, but always fished for carp with one rod. Before long, the match rod was disregarded and the multi-rod carp approach became the only way, the rest as they say is history. Unlike many anglers these days, I... Find out more