Mainline Articles

BANG OUT YOUR BAGS! Posted by Mainline Baits
In this article Mainline carper, Ricky Thomas talks about one of his favourite presentions, especially in the colder months - Solid PVA Bags!

The filling of your Solid PVA bag is a completely a personal choice, but mine changes with the season. My personal choice would be a mix of Mainline Response pellet and the new Spod & PVA Pellets also from Mainline, which is a superb mix of several different sized pellets right down to a micro size that fills unwanted pockets of air perfectly. When the water temperatures are higher I use nearly a 100% pellet mix in my bags. When the water temperatures drops I reduce the pellet percentage from 100% down to 80% and replace the remaining 20% with a very fine boilie crumb like crushed Mainline Cell or Maple Active 8, then match that with the matching Response pellets. The addition of the crumb reduces the hard food mass and replaces it with more smell which I think becomes more effective in the winter.