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Fusion Boilies – My Number One Choice

Fusion Boilies – My Number One Choice Posted by

I have been a fan of Fusion boilies for a number of years and if my memory serves me right I had my first Fusion-caught carp back in 2003 when I was fishing on the Northey Park syndicate in Cambridgseshire.

Even back then I knew this was a special bait and it accounted for a large number of the captures from that venue that season not only for me but also for a few of my friends too.

I have total confidence in the Fusion all-year-round.
I have total confidence in the Fusion all-year-round.

One of three different UK commons over 39lb in the past year on the Fusion
One of three different UK commons over 39lb in the past year on the Fusion

The Fusion has also helped me to bank so big mirrors too!
The Fusion has also helped me to bank so big mirrors too!

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