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Greg Ellis Posted by Greg Ellis
Greg Ellis on getting bites during the cooler months!
Firstly, I’d generally choose a water that has previous winter form and one that I know I will have a good chance of a bite from over the colder months. These tend to be higher stocked venues than what I have been fishing previously in the spring and summer months. I used to stay on the same water all year round, but I found that when it came to the winter and I struggled for bites, I spent a lot of my weekends just camping and not even expecting any action for my efforts, this started to affect my spring the following year and whilst everyone returned fresh headed for a new season, I was totally burnt out and stuck in the rut of blanking.

Fishing away from my main water over the colder months and getting bites elsewhere really gives me confidence on my spring return these days and it’s the best advice I can give to someone who tackles the harder big fish waters, I’ve learned the hard way and I’ll always leave for pastures new around November time. I also use bait to my advantage, and I don’t necessarily slow up on my baiting. A good digestible boilie like the Cell can be introduced quite regular and although I bait fairly heavily still throughout the colder months this is generally at the end of my session, I like to keep bait going in the same area regular whilst only fishing for a bite at a time during my actual angling hours on the bank.

Another hookbait edge for me is glugging my baits or plastics (depending on crayfish activity) in the Supa Sweet Zig Liquid as opposed to the matching food dip like The Cell Hoobait System Enhancer. Carp love sweet things and this liquid is a carp magnet and it most definitely makes your chosen hookbait more appealing to the rest of the freebies around it, give it a try! You won’t be disappointed.

Good Luck wherever you may be this winter. Greg Ellis.
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I’ve passed my test when it comes down to carp fishing, having started off like most other kids do as they grow up - armed with a whip and a pint of maggots down the local day ticket water catching roach etc. This slowly progressed into a rod, reel and float set-up over tim... Find out more