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Mainline Articles

Hi-Visual Dumbell pop-ups � the solution for all your hookbait variations

Hi-Visual Dumbell pop-ups � the solution for all your hookbait variations Posted by

Top Mainline angler, Mark Noorman, takes a look at one of Mainline's little Gems, our range of Hi-Vis Dumbell pop-ups. In this article Mark explains how he likes to present these versatile hookbaits and why he rates them so highly.

Dumbells cut in half are perfect for tipping regular boilies with some colour, a different flavour and buoyancy.
Dumbells cut in half are perfect for tipping regular boilies with some colour, a different flavour and buoyancy.

Marks Dumbell hookbait rig
Marks Dumbell hookbait rig

Combining two Dumbell pop-ups is my favorite hookbait for Chod rigs
Combining two Dumbell pop-ups is my favorite hookbait for Chod rigs

Mark with a stunning carp using his Hi-Vis Dumbell tactics!
Mark with a stunning carp using his Hi-Vis Dumbell tactics!

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