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Lawrence East post lockdown tips! Posted by Mainline Baits
Mainline carper Lawrence East goes through his top tips on a successful return to the bank after lockdown!
The biggest advantage of lockdown for me is having time I wouldn't normally have to really sort through my tackle. Preperation is a huge part of carp fishing and I have made sure I have made the most of the spare time I have had. I've made sure my rig box is completely full, I've cleaned all my tackle down, re-spooled my reels with fresh line. It's also given me the chance to have a right good sort out and throw away any old unused items of tackle that maybe just sitting round for the sake of it.

The next most important thing to me is making sure my bait is prepared and ready to go! Any boilies that I'm planning on using I like to glug and soaked before my session. For this I like to use Cell Smart Liquid and Stick Mix Liquid. Then for an extra bit of attraction I like to cover my baits Cell Pro-Active Stick & Bag Mix. This helps to capitalises on all aspects of feeding and attraction. Lastly I spend some time chopping baits in half so I have a variety for any situation which will save me a huge amount of time post lockdown.

When it comes to my hookbaits which you could just use straight from the pot I do also like to gain another edge. Adding more attraction to my hookbaits always gives me a extra confidence boost. To do this I like to use Mainline Bait Sprays. The Bait Sprays come in a choice of flavours to match the popular range of Hi-Visual pop-ups perfectly, but are suitable for any bait where an instant boost of attraction is desired. You can prepare your hookbaits in advance or spray your hookabits just before you cast out.

Another top tip is doing research, spending time on Google reading up about your chosen venues, watching YouTube videos to pick up any potentially tips that may help you once you fishing is allowed again. Personally, I've spent time researching and learning about my camera and how to get the best images from it, I've even put a lot of work into my social media accounts socialising and interacting with other anglers.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is I have not seen the lockdown as a negative, use the time wisely because it will go towards helping you in the long run. Do as much preparation as you possibly can and be lucky on your first trip back on the bank!