Mainline Cell – Mainline Magic!Posted by Mainline Baits
In this article Mainline carper, Shaun Mitchell explains why he rates the Mainline CELL range of baits so highly!
Mainline Cell! One of the most revolutionary baits to ever be produced!A Colne Valley common that couldn't resist Mainline Cell!
The Cell being a light coloured bait was a definite edge when fishing spots in and around weed, being visual for the fish to hone in on, but also worked on a hard area that was very clean. On my tight spots I used 2-3 catapults of Cell per rod, and on the large clear area I would use 2-3 Kilos per area for the session. These contrasting approaches prove that the Cell is versatile, and if you can only afford a little bait, then its worthwhile buying quality.
The light colour of Cell is a definite edge for me!Cell Dumbell hookers part of the fantastic Cell range!Milky Toffee Dumbell pop-ups, a great alternative hook-bait to combine with CellAnother Cell Result!