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Rob Burgess tips for post spawning Posted by Robert Burgess
Rob Burgess explains the changes he makes to his baiting approach when fishing for extremely hungry carp!
With summer now in full swing and hopefully spawning well out the way on most lakes, there’s going to be plenty of hungry carp out there! This is the time of year when big beds of bait really come into their own. I love particle fishing especially after they’ve spawned, Power+ Particle Hemp, Response Pellets, mixed particle such as the Pulse Mix and tiger nuts will keep the fish grubbing about for hours, which in turn means more bites for us. Instead of introducing 8-12 Spombs of bait like I normally would during spring, I’ll kick start the session straight into gear with a full bucket, or 25 or so large Spombs. I also like to give my spod mix a good helping of Multi-Stim, this liquid additive is a really powerful feed stimulant that will keep the fish coming back for more!

Hookbait choice is obviously a very important factor to remember. Because the fish will be gauging themselves and getting pre-occupied on small food items like hemp, crushed tigers and sweetcorn. So, I like to fish tiny hookbaits, a single grain of maize, a whittled down tiger nut or a Cell/Essential Cell Dumbell Hooker has been the downfall to many a carp when fishing in this manner. I also shorten my hooklinks right down to three to four inches, the fish will be moving around the spot less whilst feeding over big beds of bait so by shortening your hooklinks down you’re in turn giving them less chance of ejecting the rig.

Using solids bags over bait is a really effective approach, and one I adopt into my angling a lot! You’re combining the perfect length rig, short at three or four inches, with a small hookbait and a small food parcel of small pellet - for me the perfect presentation! Although they’re feeding more intensively it doesn’t mean there easier to catch, so play around with hookbait choices, and perhaps try injecting the solid bags with Hemp Oil to boost they’re attraction through the water column. Make sure your hooks are super sharp and don’t be shy with the spod rod – you won’t go far wrong!

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My dad took me fishing for gudgeon, roach etc at a very young age and from there the fishing bug stayed with me, as I got older we fished for carp on the surface after school which then turned into night fishing over the weekends.
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