Mainline carper, Jack Brown explains how fishing tightly to one spot is not just a 'big-hit' tactic it's a 'big-fish' method too!
The rewards of accurate baiting and getting your spot going!Accurate baiting is very important to me and a hey part of fishing all rods on a single spotWhen your rods are fished together tightly on a single spot, holding your rod tips together like this on a tight line will tell you if any are crossed overThe two-bankstick-trick is the best way of clipping-up your rods accurately to the same spot
Response Pellets and liquid to boost the Cell boilie flavoured theme of my spod mixMy varied spod mix also provides plenty of suitable hookbait options
01 Hemp, corn and fresh water snails start off the mix
Solid bags are a great way to present rigs over a tightly baited areaWhen using a Balanced Wafter set-up always check the presentation and level of rig counter-balance before casting out
When I was five I started fishing behind my dad’s old business premises on the Grand Union Canal. Float fishing for smaller species such as perch, roach and gudgeon. Naturally I slowly progressed into carp fishing, catching my first one at the age of ten, which funnily enough... Find out more