Mainline Articles

Our Team Mainline anglers reveal their favourite, go to baits...
Recently I've been having loads of success on the Mainline Quads.I believe their unusual shape offers something a bit different to the carp from the normal shape baits they regularly get caught on. Also, the variety of colours and pop up and bottom baits make them a very versatile bait choice. But for now, due to the test of time and hours and hours of time spent filming carp below the surface, I would have to say my favourite hookbait would be a Fruity Squid Pastel Barrel Wafter. I have watched carp during filming just make a beeline towards these hookbaits time and time again. I have caught hundreds of carp on Pastel Barrel Wafters and use them in a variety of ways. They are just devastating and even more so in solid bags.

I don't think you'd even find a boilie with the success rate of Cell. I bet most fishery carp have eaten one at some point or another, but I like to try and be a little different and normally have a few different types of boilies and sizes in my mix, which makes picking a favourite hard. Mainline have a new fishmeal bait in development that I have been lucky enough to be using the last few years, and I think it could be something very special. Watch this space! But if I had to pick one that was available to all it would be Essential Cell.
It offers a good food source of attractors and it's also very visually attracting for the carp. Adding 10mm Essential Cell to my feed bait, home and abroad has given me great results.
Back in April my brother Lewis and I had a four-day session catching 20 fish, including four fish over fifty-pounds between us and one of the key factors to the trips result I believe was using 10mm Essential Cell as part of our free offerings.
Also, I would never go fishing without taking the Spod & PVA Pellet mix. This is a must for me, the unique pellet blend just works, and I have watched carp stay on a spot for hours trying to eat every last bit and then slip up on hook baits repeatedly why doing so.

Enhancing your hookbaits is so important. I want the fish entering my spot to want my hookbait more than anything else on the dance floor. Soaking my hookbaits is a real important part of getting a fish's attention to your bait over others and I tend to use the matching liquid to the hookbaits. So, over the last few years the baits I use are normally always soaked in one of Mainline's Hookbait Enhancement System dips.
I also use Smart Liquid a lot in my angling and watching this stuff on an underwater camera has been incredible. The footage is not normally much use due to the cloud produced from the liquid, but once the carp are in, the cloud just gets bigger and bigger sending out more and more food signals. It really gets them going and coming in from all directions from what I have seen.
I believe having a favourite product in angling can only come from one thing and that's the results that they have produced for you, which provides the evidence that what your using is working and builds up your confidence massively. Not only have I been lucky enough to build confidence on the above products, I also watched them doing the business underwater for hours and hours and carp reacting very positive towards them.

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As a very young boy my Dad used to take my brother and I fishing most weekends and my first years of carp fishing started at a very young age of 6. I learnt a lot from him back then and it was not just a love for fishing but a way of bonding with my dad, as my parents split up when I was around 8... Find out more