Mainline Articles

Our Team Mainline anglers reveal their favourite, go to baits...
Having used Mainline boilies for thirty years and more, it's incredibly difficult to pick out just one. For everyone, the Grange changed everything, at a fundamental level, and I used it very successful for a few years. As requested, I changed my baits as and when Mainline wanted them tested, and with great success too. When I fished three winters on Frimley Pit 3, back in 2005/6/7, I changed bait mid-way through the campaign. I had been using the NRG with unbelievable results, but I changed to the Maple Active 8 one Christmas and my results just kept on coming. My first carp after changing to the New Grange was a 44lb target fish. This was followed by another 44lb'er when I changed to the Hybrid, a bait I used for the next eleven years! It worked wherever I took it, and if I had to pick a favourite the Hybrid would be it.

This is truly a difficult question to put an answer to. I have always held the belief, I should match my hookbait with what I am using as my free offerings. In saying that, for many years now I have included what some would call, a “sight bob”. It started off as a yellow piece of plastic corn, but Mainline soon came to the rescue with this as well. The Toppers ensured one; that I had a very buoyant substitute for the plastic, and two; it came in the flavours of the boilies I was using. I use a Topper on both bottom baits and pop-ups, the bottom bait one introducing a slight level of buoyancy to the hookbait negating the weight of the hook. I can never say, one hundred percent, this helps me to catch carp. But the Toppers fill me with so much confidence, I guess that's why I would never leave home without them!

I have used the Mainline dips ever since boss man, Steve Morgan, brought them to Horton back in 1996 for us to trial. I have never been a great believer of over flavouring my hookbaits, but I have always dipped them to get rid of any unwanted smells which may have been put on them from my hands. However, the arrival of the Smart Liquids has changed all of that. I'm not sure if it was me who started the trend, but two years ago on the North Lake at Yateley, I transferred the Smart Liquid into an empty pop-up container. This allowed me to soak the hookbait in the Liquid for a short time. Eventually, I would let it dry, with the rod leant against a tree for 20 minutes, until it had dried firmly onto the hookbait. If you watch it in the margins, you will see just how long the offering lets of an appetising trail. Smart Liquid has changed the way I look at my hookbaits now, and I am unlikely to ever cast one out again without it being covered in this wonderful stuff!

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I think I became a carp fisherman the fist time I saw a picture of Richard Walkers record at the age of five. But it was a hideously long time before I actually caught one. Bristol wasn’t exactly awash with carp, in fact I didn’t know a water that held one. I did manage to snare one f... Find out more
articles by Ian Chillcott
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