Mainline Articles

Our Team Mainline anglers reveal their favourite, go to baits...
Without a doubt the Pastel Barrel Wafter range of hookbaits have to be my favourite. A lot of my fishing revolves around Solid Bag fishing at the moment, due to the fact of fishing day-ticket lakes around the country and these are by far the best hookbaits I've found for the job. The subtle pastel colour is a little different from the hi-vis the fish are used to seeing and they are the perfect size for going inside a bag, my personal favourite being the Peppered Peach.

A really tough choice, as for the last six or seven years I've pretty much used all the range and haven't found one I didn't have success with. With that said the Essential Cell has played a big part in my angling over the last 18 months and I've found the colour to be a real edge on busy day-ticket lakes. Quite often the carp on these types of venues are used to seeing a lot of sweetcorn and big beds of yellow so it goes without saying the Essential Cell compliments this perfectly. It's a bait you don't have to introduce a lot of to get the carp actively looking for it either, everywhere I've taken it I've had success instantly.

Liquids play a huge part in my angling and I'm a firm believer that they can give you an edge if applied in the correct way. Whatever Dedicated Freezer Bait I'm currently using I normally use the matching Stick Mix Liquid as a base for the bait along with one of the feed inducer liquids such as Salmon Oil in the summer and Hemp Oil during the winter. I'll finish my chosen mix with adding a good amount of the matching Smart Liquid just before I put my bait into the lake which means it will flood the water column with attraction for hours.