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Winter with Dave Lane!

Winter with Dave Lane! Posted by

Winter tips with Dave Lane!

With winter upon us I like to be settled in on a water and, hopefully, have a few feeding areas sorted and primed. Even it’s just one spot out in the middle and another near some snags or shallower water for those brief sunny spells. The way I see it there are basically two options at this time of year. You either have areas that you have been feeding and the fish are regularly visiting or you are reduced to fishing bright singles in the hope of nicking the odd fish.

A start to a new winter, with a familiar approach and outcome as this 48lb Wraysbury mirror proved!
A start to a new winter, with a familiar approach and outcome as this 48lb Wraysbury mirror proved!

Personally, I prefer the baited spots if possible as you can keep the fish feeding all winter if you apply the bait correctly. I run all my boilie through a chopper that I have adapted to give all sizes from whole baits right down to crumb. To this I then add Smart Liquid, and the matching dip; usually all based around the Cell in winter. The Cell has a proven winter track record and, as an added bonus, there is usually other anglers using it so you are all baiting up for each other. Nearly all of my most productive winters have been when I have kept the bait going in and other anglers are also doing the same.

Chopped boilies with plenty of liquid attraction!
Chopped boilies with plenty of liquid attraction!

Notable exceptions were lakes like Christchurch where I was on my own most of the time, the water was bitterly cold and I just couldn't visit often enough to keep the bait going in. The fish soon slowed right up and, although I still caught, it was just by fishing with hookbaits or bits. I also like to use hemp and corn right throughout the winter and usually mix this with the chopped baits and glug the whole lot. I really think the liquids are a big edge in the colder months, even more so than during the summer. Lots of bits of bait of different sizes and a nice liquid coating leaking up into the water column, a recipe for success.

If I can keep bait going in on a spot I will and Cell is ideally suited to a winter campaign
If I can keep bait going in on a spot I will and Cell is ideally suited to a winter campaign

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