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An Eventful Week For Lee Collings!

Mainline consultant, Lee Collings has been in touch with this report following a very eventful week... "After returning early from a nightmare session on 'Brook Lake' where a kamikaze swan decided to attack some other swans feeding in front of my swim, but got it emergency landing completely wrong and decided to land on my set-up! Smashing rods, snag ears and even smashed the thread off my bankstick, which then submerged my alarms in four feet of water! So as you can imagine the swim was trashed, and I wad to play a not so fun version of 'hook a duck' to try and fish my alarms off the lakebed. My alarms were making all sorts of funny noises and I had to cut the session short. So after licking my wounds and thinking of what had just happened and still in shock, I decided I needed to get out again. After putting my Delkims in the airing cupboard to dry out, I nicked my dads alarms and set off again to my tricky venue in the Midlands. The lake has been fishing very hard recently, its a deep lake and has only just starting to wake up with any carp landed still all leeched up. To make matters worse, I arrived to find the fish feeding on a fly hatch going mental, but I managed to get on the fish and tried everything possible, Zigs and at every depth - the lot! I was pulling my hair out, as I couldn't buy a bite and was thinking my bad luck was still haunting me. Then all of a sudden there was a change in the weather and it poured down with rain for the next four hours, which meant the fish stopped feeding on the hatch, but were still showing over the same sort of area. As it was late afternoon, I flicked out a rig armed with a 15mm Cell boilie, clipped-up at the same range as I had been fishing followed by a scattering of ten boilies around the area and to my surprise a couple of hours later my rod ripped off. After a tense battle I was more than happy after a frustrating day with the stunning common of 33lb 5oz that was sat in my net. The fish is only the fifth fish from the venue this year and one of my target fish for the venue. So I was over the moon with a bit of Karma for what happened the start of the week!"
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