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Another brace of Park Lake crackers for sweet talking Rob Marsh!

Despite limited time to fish, there’s no putting off Mainline consultant, Rob Marsh, who been in touch with yet another short session success story. Over to Rob: “With my recent success on the park lake, I knew I needed to try and squeeze in another nights fishing soon, which was easier said than done with things being so busy. After sweet talking the Mrs, I decided to do a quick overnighter on the Friday night and pack away sharpish Saturday morning, as I had to be off by 9am to take my boy to football.

I arrived at the lake just after 5pm, to find there were a few anglers dotted around the lake and the swim I had caught my last 4 fish from taken, so I decided on a swim called ‘The Long Chuck’ a swim I’ve previously done very well in. Both rods were fished to a silty area at 80yards, followed by 20 spombs of Hinders Salamiz hemp, crushed hemp and Mainline New Grange boilies, some chopped and some whole.

The bream were very active during the night and I landed 3 with a couple falling off as well, I spombed 6 more spombs after each of these fish then just before first light I was into a better fish, clearly a carp this time. After a good battle I slid the net under a cracking mirror. On the scales she went 28lb 1oz and I slipped her back into the water, in my recovery sling so I could sort my camera out when my other rod screamed away! This fish felt heavy and fought like a demon and after 25 minutes I’d still not even seen it, but it was tiring, so it was no surprise soon after, when she hit the spreader block. On the scales she went 36lb 6oz and another stunning mirror!

We got the photos done, along with some video footage and slipped both fish back with only enough time for a quick cup of tea before I was away back home. Most importantly, I would like to thank my wife, Nicky, for being so understanding because when the fish are having it you have to put yourself out!”

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