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Carping for Cancer at Aquatels Fishery

Mainline consultant, Keith Williams has been in touch with news of his recent match win, at the 'Carping for Cancer' event held at Aquatels fishery over the weekend. Where twenty seven anglers booked in for what turned in to a hard weekends fishing for most.

Keith told us, 'Over the course of the whole weekend I caught three carp and frustratingly lost another two, from my swim pegged behind the hotel, in front of an island. Initially all the anglers decided to spod, while I opted to watch, finally deciding to fish close in due to amount of disturbance, further out in the lake. I was fishing no more than ten yards out, just baiting a simple handful of 10mm Cell boilies over hemp. Within an hour and a half of match starting this tactic produced an 18lb mirror; I then lost a big fish about a half an hour later.

Things recovered quite quickly and I managed a good 27lb ghostie a little later, but after this, the fish were spooked and I didn't have another run until the night. There was the odd fish being caught around the lake, as well as a number of fish being lost in the weed. On the Saturday fish were starting to move back into my swim and again I picked up another fish, this time a 24lb common. This fish was caught on chopped boilies, a mixture of Mainline Cell and the new bait from Mainline, I'm currently testing.'

These three fish were just enough for Keith to win this hard fought event, although the real winners from the weekend were Orchid Male Cancer Appeal, with just under £2500 being raised by the supporting anglers.

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