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Cell Belters for Darren!

Big fish carper, Darren Belton has been in contact yet again, following more Cell Success on his southern syndicate water! Over to Mainline Team member Darren to take up the story:

"The lake has been fishing hard for the past few weeks and I decided to fish an area that I haven't fished a huge amount in the past. I soon found some clear spots and set about depositing a large amount of Cell boillies around my hook baits. I only had one take on the first night resulting in a cracking looking mirror, but I was concerned about the amount of bait it was excreting all over the mat. It looked as though my hook bait could have been the last bait it had picked up! The next day I played about with my rigs a bit. I was using a 20 mm Cell bottom bait and a Clockwork Orange pop-up, which balances quite nicely, but I decided to balance it even more with a small amount of cork. I also lengthened the hook link by a couple of inches. The new rigs were soon back on the spots and it was all topped up with 3 more kilos of the Cell. Well the changes did the job as the following night I
had five takes. One fell off, a 23, a 29lb 4oz mirror, a 29lb 8oz mirror and a nice looking 36lb 8oz mirror. Yet again the Cell doing the business!"
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