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CELL Success for Max!

Long serving Mainline Consultant, Max Cottis recently made his first visit to a venue that's prolific catch reports cannot be ignored this winter, the fantastic Abbey Lakes, France!

Max told us: "I've fished a great many waters from around the world and one that's been top of my list for a few years now has been Abbey Lakes. There's just no way you can miss the big carp this venue continues to produce, but amazily with one thing or another and having been so busy with ACE I've not been able to plan a trip until now. It was -6 when I arrived, setting up on Fox lake, with an improvement in the weather and a sharp rise in temperature forcast for later in the week of my stay. So although I wasn't expecting too much for the first couple of nights, I was delighted when I opened my Abbey account with a stunning 39lb common! 

Then conditions then began to improve with a new, westerly wind raising the temperatures and switching the carp on the feed. After moving into a swim at the windward end of the Lake I managed another 7 bites, 6 of these fish being over 30! All falling to a mix of pellets including Mainline Bloodworm stik pellet and the awesome CELL Response pellets matching my CELL boilies. Critically balanced plastic corn hook-baits or Cell Dumbell Hookers were then presented 'Parachute' style in solid PVA bags of pellets and Cell crumb.

What a great complex, I have to say I'm very impressed and cant wait to get back to Abbey soon!"
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