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Cell Thirty for Darren!

Mainline carper Darren Belton has been contact following yet another Cell success story! Over to Darren:

"On arrival at the lake there was only two other anglers present, which is not always such a good thing, being spoilt for choice. So after a quick look around I opted to fish in a small bay, as there were so many fish present you simply couldn't ignore it. I set my traps at the mouth of the bay,placing around 2 kilos of Cell boilies around each hookbait and sat back, confident of a take.

Well I had to wait until 2am for it to happen, when a scraper 20 mirror rolled into the net. Nothing more happened and so a move was in order. Lots of
fish were showing in the middle of the lake between two islands and I soon
had my kit set up in the new swim. At around 5am the next morning I received a melting take and after a strong battle a 30lb mirror was having his picture taken. A 20mm Cell bottom bait topped off with a Milky Toffee Dumbell pop-up doing the business for me, fishing perfectly over my scattering of Cell freebies"
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