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Five Fish Hit For Ed!

Things have been 'hotting-up' for Ed Betteridge over at the intimidating Burghfield lately with regular big-carp reports leading to this five-fish-hit! Over to Ed with the details: "After the previous weeks success over the pre-baited area I ensured I topped-up the swim again with Hybrid boilies and Response Pellets before I left. This extra effort of pre-baiting at range paid off with a five carp hit the following week, to make it my most successful session on the 96 acre lake to date! The first morning of the session yielded only one bite, which turned out to be a 31lb 8oz mirror, but the second morning produced much more frantic action. The line bites started at 3am and between 7am and 9am I received four bites, resulting in one lost fish, a tench and mirrors of 23lb and 29lb 14oz. The third morning produced two more fish, including my first common from the water at 23lb and the best fish of the session in the form of a stunning 35lb 6oz mirror. I was completely taken aback by the success of the session and it will certainly be one that I will always remember from the low stocked water. All the fish fell to a low Hinge Stiff Rigs with armed with Hybrid pop-ups on my 13ft 3.5tc Greys AirCurve rods."
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