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Forties Mega Session for Glen!

Mainline backed RAF carper, Glen Beardsall, has been in touch following a great result last week! Fishing a southern still-water, Glens 5nt session looked like it was going to be a miserable one due to the persistent heavy rain, but things soon brightened up with some big-carp hitting the net!

Glen decided to present snow-man style hookbaits consisting of a 18mm NEW GRANGE bottom bait, tipped with a Mainline 10mm Milky Toffee pop-up. A small PVA stick made from NEW GRANGE boilie crumb was then attached, and the rigs were cast to the back of a weedbed at 85yards where Glen had baited the area with 4kilos of NEW GRANGE boilies. With the traps set and the rain showing no signs of letting up a fantastic session was about to unfolded, beginning with a stonking 41lb 12oz mirror!

A cold and wet Glen endured an epic boat battle next, that saw another big carp weighing 40lb 4ozs come to the net, amazingly followed by an even bigger fish of 46lbs 6ozs!!! 

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