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Mainline Latest News

Forty Pound Result For Lee!

After a few years of trying Mainline carper, Lee Collings fulfilled an ambition recently when he caught his first forty-pound common! Over to Lee to take up the story: "So with a full moon on the horizon I thought this could be my best chance at catching one of the big girls. This common was taken along with for other twenties up to 28lb with the big girl weighing in at a massive 43lb 10oz and is the biggest fish out on the venue this year! So I was quite literally over the moon and it put up a proper battle in the margins weeding me up a few times. Not good in crystal clear water when you know its a big fish. I fished a 18mm Mainline Cell bottom bait tipped with a a piece of big buoyant sweetcorn and fished over 2-kilos of 15mm and 18mm boilies. Using ESP rig components and fished at 40yards range on a clear area near a weed bed."
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