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Mainline Latest News

Gigantica News

We recently gave you the fantastic news that Gigantica’s big-un, ‘The Giant’ had been caught at a record weight on New Grange boilies from Mainline. Well going by this PB smashing report, it certainly looks like he’s not the only large carp from the French venue to have a taste for all things Mainline.

Fishery manager, Danny Turley told us: “Using snowman hook-baits consisting of Cell or New Grange bottom baits topped with Mainline, Indian Spice or Tutti pop-ups, visiting angler, Darren Oates, enjoyed a five fish haul that also saw him break his PB not once, but twice!

Firstly with a new lake 50, a fish known as ‘Pips’ going 54.06, and then again, with another Gigantica lump, ‘The Galaxy’ fish hitting 60 for the first time, at 60lbs 10ozs! Darren found success fishing all three rods on quite a tight area at 60yds range, where he applying 4-5kilos of mixed Cell/New Grange boilies by throwing stick each evening.

Coming all the way from the Republic of Ireland, lucky angler, Derek, broke his PB by over 20lbs when he landed the ‘Gut Bucket’ at an arm aching 56lbs 6ozs! Again, steadily baiting throughout the week with 3-4kgs of Cell boilies, each evening was the winning tactic.”

Danny went on to tell us how he expects there to some massive carp landed over the next few months as the water cools. So keep watching this space for more big carp news, from Gigantica!

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