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Huge French Mirror For Mainlines Roman Bucznski!

It was really good to hear from Mainline Consultant Roman Buczynski recently, who sent us this report following another carping adventure on the public waters of France. Over to Roman to take up the story:

"Finding time for longer trips away has been very difficult in recent years due to work commitments around the globe in hostile environments. However, finally I managed to find some time in between work trips to Africa to get out to French Public waters. As usual my attentions were drawn to the rivers and I started the trip on the Rhone, moving swims every night keeping on top of the fish as they moved through the river. I was managing up to 4 fish a night and things were getting better. No sooner had I got into the routine, much of Europe was hit by a severe weather system and I found myself packing my gear up at 4am, with a rising river and forcing my poor electric motor to drag my kit 2km up river! I managed to get the vehicle loaded and leave the track just before it flooded!

A day at my good friend Laurent's, drying kit and re-evaluating the trip was seldom wasted. The Rhone was rising by the hour and the only solution was to head to one of the lakes locally. I had my eye on a lake I hadn't fished before, but holds some fantastic fish. The lake provides interesting fishing, and even though the majority of people prefer to use a boat or place baits by diving, I opted to lead around and use a far subtler approach. PVA bags filled with crushed Mainline New Grange and Maple 8 response pellets with 24mm Air Dried New Grange rolled by the Bait and Feed Company were positioned with slack lines. Two days later I was rewarded with this stunning 27kg mirror! A nice reward, before having to fly back to work."
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