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Mainline Latest News

New Grange Result!

Mainline consultant, Richie Latham, has just returned from a trip to Monks Pit, Cambs where he found the venue to be fishing a little slow, but still managed a three fish catch! Richie told us: "There were 8 of us on this week and only 5 fish were caught where I was lucky enough to account for 3 of them. A mid double topped by a brace of thirties the biggest a 35lb 4oz mirror! All my fish were  caught using Fox LS hooks in size 6, coretex hook links and Fox lead clips, essential for the small clear spots I was fishing in the thick weed beds"

New Grange hook-baits tipped with a 10mm High-Vis Pineapple pop-ups, fished over New Grange boilies completed a winning presentation for Richie.
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