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Mainline Latest News

Northern Carp Cup Winners!

Mainline backed carper Wayne Mansford has recently been in touch with Mainline HQ with the great news that he and carp match partner Rob Greening had won the final of the Northern Carp Cup! Over to Wayne for his report: "After landing myself into all 4 British carp match finals (BCAC, UK Car... read more

RAF Carp Team On The Up!

We are always pleased to hear from the Mainline backed RAF Carp Team who look like they've been enjoying some good results of late even though they have been extremely busy this year. Here's what the carp team had to say:"Despite an increased number of personnel being deployed to operat... read more

NEW Cell Stick Mix Liquid doing the business!

Check out this catch report from Mainline Consultant Keith Williams! Fishing Millstone pool France, keith landed 21 carp, nine over 40lbs and two fifties, the biggest a whopping 56lbs!!!A new test bait fished with the NEW Cell Stick Mix Liquid doing the business! read more

Full Moon Whacker!

The clocks may have gone back and the long nights of winter are not too far away, but that hasn't deterred Mainline carper David Chancellor who enjoyed another big-fish result recently using one of our new test baits. Over to David to take up the story: "Having endured some he... read more

UK Carp Cup Champion!!!

Massive Well Done!!!Everyone at Mainline Baits would like to congratulate field tester Ryan Need on his recent win of the UK Carp Cup, where the final was held at Oxlease lake on the Linear complex in Oxfordshire. Ryan felt that soaking his hookbaits in our awesome Pineapple J... read more

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