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Mainline Latest News


We've just received this press release from Abbey Lakes, France with news of some exciting NEW booking benefits for UK anglers!!! Here at Abbey Lakes we pride ourselves on the high standard of fishing pleasure we offer to our visiting anglers from across Europe, with a great many of these an... read more

Rainbow Result!

We recently posted an article from Mainline Consultant, Alan Taylor detailing some of the tactics he uses when tackleing French lakes such as the famous 'Big-Carp' venue, Rainbow Lake. These methods are certainly delivering the goods for Alan who's been in touch again fol... read more

Red-Letter Result!

Mainline carper, Darren Belton has been in touch recently with this red-letter report! Over to Darren to take up the story:"I arrived at the lake knowing there had been a few fish out from one particular area and not surprisingly it was all sown up. So I opted for an area that was as cl... read more

Huge French Mirror For Mainlines Roman Bucznski!

It was really good to hear from Mainline Consultant Roman Buczynski recently, who sent us this report following another carping adventure on the public waters of France. Over to Roman to take up the story:"Finding time for longer trips away has been very difficult in recent years d... read more

Autumn Whacker!!!

This report RAF carper, Glenn Beardsall certainly shows that autumn can be great a time for hooking the biggun's! As he recently slid the net under a whacker that had been evading capture for a little over a year! Over to Glen to take up his story: "This was my second trip back to the l... read more

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