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Mainline Latest News

Warren's boxing clever with CELL!

Professional Boxer and Mainline sponsored angler, Warren Fenn has been in touch with this great news following a recent short session to local water Farlows. Over to Warren to take up the story: "I arrived at Farlows for a 24hr session last week and set-up in a swim... read more

Richie Gets' Em Going On The Deck With NEW GRANGE!

Consistent, big carp catcher Richie Latham has been in touch with this news following another successful trip to Mainline sponsored venue Monks Pit! Over to Richie:"The lake was fishing slow and with all the catches so far this year being on zigs I thought the carp must be ready fo... read more

More Cell Syndicate Success for Lee!

Mainline's Lee Collings has been in contact after recently enjoying yet more CELL success at his Berkshire syndicate venue!Fishing a 48hour session, Lee fished 'Locked Up' tight to a marginal snag at 30 yards where he had baited with about 30 boilies, a mixture of 15mm and 18mm Mainline... read more

New PB for Keith!

Mainline Consultant, Keith Williams has been in touch with this amazing catch report following a successful trip across the channel!Using New Grange boilies, Keith landed an impressive haul of fish including five 20's, fifteen 30's, eight 40's, two 50's and a massive new PB common of 62lbs 4... read more

RAF Record Breakers!

RAF PR & Media Manager, Lee Sustins has recently been in touch with news of the Royal Air Force Carp Team’s latest outing, one that was a huge success all-round! Over to Lee to take up the story:  "Records were sent tumbling at Barston Lake, Solihull, during the recent RA... read more

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