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Mainline Latest News

Buisness as usual for Oconnors!

Surrey based Mainline consultants, Ben and Barry Oconnor have been in touch with news of yet another successful summer. Fishing a busy schedule of match events the carp hauling duo have been consistent throughout, but amazingly have also managed to squeeze in a number big-fish results at their sy... read more

Gigantica News

We recently gave you the fantastic news that Gigantica’s big-un, ‘The Giant’ had been caught at a record weight on New Grange boilies from Mainline. Well going by this PB smashing report, it certainly looks like he’s not the only large carp from the French venue to have a ... read more

Mainline back winner at the GG's!

Top Mainline Consultant, Dave Levy has been in touch with the details of a recent short-session result. Dave takes up the story: “I turned up at Golden Gates for a quick, over night session and found a few fish sitting in some weed beds. Having located some carp I quickly got the bivvy up, ... read more

History Maker's!

Father and son anglers, Andy and Tom Maker, have shown yet again why they're some of the most formidable carp match, anglers around, with they're record breaking win of the second BCAC semi-final held at midlands super water, Barston Lakes. The Fox-backed, Mainline consultants smashed the current... read more

BYCAC Cell'ebrations for Brad Greening

Last week saw junior anglers from around the country descend upon the Linear Complex in Oxfordshire for the 2011 BYCAC weeklong event held on Brasenose 2. The beginning part of the week saw in excess of 130 budding young anglers battle it out through a series of eliminators for a place in the wee... read more

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