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Park Lake Result!

Mainline Consultant, Darren Belton has recently been in touch at Mainline HQ with this report following another Park Lake result! "Arriving at the lake I was hoping to find a swim with some shallow water free, as the fish are still not keen on feeding in the deeper areas. Settling on a swim that I hadn't fished that much in the past, but gave me access to an island where the depth came up to 6ft from 12ft. Setup in my swim, I had soon deposited about a kilo of crushed Hybrid boilies to the island margin and once again opted to fish the awesome Clockwork Orange pop-up's over the top. About four hours later my right hand rod went into melt down and after a long hard battle I slipped the net under this cracking mirror known as 'Cluster'. It was a fish I really wanted to bump into, and weighed 37lb 4oz! Well happy as the Clockwork Orange strikes again!"
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