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RAF carpers flying high with Mainline

In between supporting various charity’s and hosting fund raising events, the Fox RAF carp anglers, amazingly still manage to find time to consistently put large carp on the bank. Judging by this recent report, the Mainline backed carpers of the RAF are definitely flying high, with yet another list of big fish captures, caught with varying baits from our range.

Firstly, Joe Campen, whose early season campaign got off to a flying start at South Lake Angling Society's lake at Woodley, near Reading. The 18 acre estate lake has a good head of stunning scaled mirrors and common carp to 39lb+ of which Joe has had several over the years. Pre-season, Joe had pre-baited with 10kilos of New Grange boilies, but unfortunately missed the opening week of the season, due to work commitments, having to delay his trip until the following week. Fortunately, he then managed to drop into one of his favourite swims on the lake, after seeing some fish in a small bay. The weather was less than ideal, with high air-pressure day and night, no wind and very warm during the day. Undeterred, Joe decided to fish single New Grange pop-ups tight to the overhanging rhododendron bushes of the far margin, hoping to intercept passing fish. The tactic worked a treat, catching Joe six fish, including a stunning common at 29-14

Fellow RAF carper, Carl Hoyle turned a quick overnight social, in to a very productive session when he banked a lovely brace of 30lb mirrors. Arriving at an undisclosed Essex venue after work at around 6pm, Carl found all the usual swims occupied including a particularly snaggy corner that had been fishing really well of late. So he decided to drop into a nearby swim that offered good access to the margins and some thick banks of weed. With the kit dropped in the swim, Carl headed off for a barbie and a few beers in one of the other lads swim. Returning just before dark, Carl flicked out a couple of Cell bottom baits onto his chosen spots, followed by around 50 freebies per rod. 

At 4.30am the margin rod was away, followed by a spirited battle and a mirror carp of 31lb 8oz in the net! Carl then changed the presentation on his other rod that had been fishing the back of the weed bed, switching from the bottom bait to a choddy, incorporating a blatant yellow Sweet Pineapple pop-up. The change paid off when at 9am that rod received a screaming run, followed by an almighty battle with a very angry carp! Eventually, Carl brought the fish to the net and landed his second fish of the session, amazingly another 30+ carp, weighing in at 33lbs 4ozs! A few photos completed a very special short session for Carl, before heading home for tea and medals!

Finally, self-confessed Mainline Baits junkie, Glenn Beardsall has been putting his New Grange to good use on his southern syndicate lake. In previous seasons Glenn has enjoyed consistent success using Activ-8, taking several fish over forty pounds. However, since switching to New Grange this season Glen feels his catch rates have significantly improved, with several multiple catches during his short sessions on the water. Another significant edge for Glenn was the release of the super buoyant New Grange pop-ups, allowing him to present hook-baits far more effectively on this weed choked venue. Resulting in Glen catching a magnificent haul of carp during his latest weekend session that included three 20’s, topped by an awesome mirror at 42lbs 8ozs!

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