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Target Fish For Chris Cox!

Mainline Consultant, Chris Cox has been in touch following a fantastic weekend session and some opportunist carping! Over to Chris to take up the story: "Having turned up to the lake on the Friday evening I took a good look around and found some fish in the shallows. To begin with I kept to singles I.B. pop-up hookbaits, but on dark turned to the throwing stick to bait up at around 60yards with roughly 2kilos of Hybrid boilies. Only a few hours later I was I netting my first fish of the session, a low- twenty mirror carp. With the rod back on the money, I received another take at first light, which turned out to be one of my target fish, a mirror known as 'Shoulders' weighing in at 37lb! This prompted another nights stay, as well as a move, but sadly no fish. So I was packed up and had just downed a quick brew with fellow Mainline carper, Richie Lofthouse when I noticed some fizzing a couple of swims away on the tip of an island at around 90yards. I still had half an hour before I needed to head for home, so grabbed one rod out the van, armed it again with an Essential I.B. pop-up and lobbed it out towards the fizzing. Within a few minutes the bait was taken and I was well chuffed to land another target fish 'Scruffy' at 32lb!"
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