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Winter Stunner for Jeroen!

Undeterred by freezing temperatures, Dutch Mainline Team member Jeroen Flokstra made his way down to Abbey Lakes, France recently and was rewarded for his efforts, big time! Over to Jeroen to take up this report:

"I travelled to Abbey for 2 nights. My first was on Fox Lake in peg 14 and I was really happy to have 3 fish up to 38lb on Cell boilies. I then moved over to Héron Lake after the ice was gone and jumped into peg 14 for the day, but decided to move to peg 9 for the night and had this stunner at 56lbs 11ozs!!! It was around 01:00 o'clock and was a bit difficult with the remote from the camera, but I can live with this pic. Another Abbey carp loving my Cell boilies! Happy Days!"

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