England carper, Wayne Mansford explains how a recent Farlows Lake session was best described as an ‘up n’ down’ affair?
Confidence in the new Supa Sweet Ziggers was sky high when this 34lb mirror came to the net!The perfect Zig hookbaitZig Aligners are just one simple way to fish the Supa Sweet ZiggersThe Supa Sweet Zig Liquid increases hookbait attraction massivelyThe Essential Cell pop-up down on the deck produced a couple like this stunning Farlows mirror
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Wayne MansfordSelf Employed Roofer
I started fishing from the age of five as I grew-up fishing the canals for all array of course fish - roving up and down the Grand Union Canal with half a pint of maggots and a float rod every Sunday after football. I had always seen these big carp in the magazines, on tackle shop walls and the o... Find out more