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Mainline Latest News

Abbey 50!

Mainlines, Rupert Whiteman has recently been in touch with news of his latest capture, a cracking 50lb mirror carp from Abbey Lakes, France! Rupert takes up the story: "Fishing from peg 23 on Heron lake, I cast 80 yards to a dying weedbed along the far margin. The day before I'd prepared a mix comprising approximately 2kg of Hemp/Tigernut stick mixes, 1kg crushed and whole 18mm Cell, 2kg Cell Response pellets coated with Condensed Coconut Milk Particle and Pellet Syrup, a healthy dollop of Hempseed Oil as well as Fosoil and finally a little Chilli powder. This was all ladled into a bucket and left to stew overnight and then Spombed over the area the following afternoon. I then fished small pva bags of the same (dry) mix with an 18mm Cell bottom bait tipped with pink, fake corn. Amazingly the take came just 10 minutes after I'd finished Spombing!"
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