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Carping Mad3!

Looking for a great Christmas gift or a carpy winter read? Well our very own Mike 'Spug' Redfern has been in touch with an update to his book availablity...   

Carping Mad3 is now postage free in the UK for the Christmas period. Its 420 pages BIG, features a load of laughs, funny stories and of course carp including fifty English 30's and a couple of 40's!

Also featuring a 1,200 word Q&A with Adrian Smith from Iron Maiden and unveils why carping legend Dave Lane elevated Spug to a 'God'! 

"Carping Mad 3 is equally as amusing as its forerunner... This book is a great read and will have you chuckling away to yourself!" - Carp World Magazine

"When a books foot note reads, 'This book is not suitable for under 17's, virgins, Spug's mum, the politically correct or those without a sense of humour' you know it's going to be awesome!" - CARPology Magazine

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