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Cell-sational Session For RAF Carpers!

Mark Jarvis, part of the Mainline backed RAF team of carpers has been in touch recently following a successful syndicate trip for him and fellow RAF carper, Carl Hoyle. Over to Mark to take up the story: "With some settled weather forecast Carl and I made our way down to Essex to see if the fish had left their winter haunts. Having seen fish show near the lakes only island, our choice was an easy one and so a couple kilos of Mainline Cell boilies were deposited around the area. The first fish came to Carl in the shape of a 19Ib common, taken on a Milky Toffee pop-up fished on a Chod rig. All was quiet until 6.30am, when in the space of 5-hours I took five fish, including two-thirties to 35Ib 9oz, alongside three-twenties to 29Ib 7oz. The action took a familiar theme over the next 12hrs, being quiet during the night, with Carl taking a small Mirror of 10Ib. As soon as the sun hit the island margins the fishing started to hot-up and I managed to take another two carp, both thirties. A fantastic Cell session!"
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