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Mainline Latest News

Clockwork Orange Haul For Darren Belton!

Despite some un-spring-like cold temperatures Mainline carper, Darren Belton has recently enjoyed an eventful session. Over to Darren to take up the story: "I had booked a four-night-session on West End Lake at the beginning of the year and didn't take the terrible winter into account at all. Even though its May and warm through the day, night time temperatures were still dropping below zero seeing my bivvy frozen on the inside! This may well explain why all the bites I had came in daylight and all from shallow areas of the lake where I fished Clockwork Orange pop-ups as single hookbaits. In total I landed twelve twenty-pound fish, plus six thirty-poundres to 37lb 8oz!. So despite the icy bivvy, a really enjoyable session."
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