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Deep Water Common For Jim Wilson

With spring a little late in arriving Jim Wilson along with a few of our consultants has found fish to be high in the water and receptive to a Zig rig approach. Here's how Jim recently utilised one our products to give his tactics an edge. "Following the long cold winter we’ve experienced, the deep Cambridgeshire syndicate water I’m fishing has been slow to respond to the spring weather we’ve finally received. With this in mind I arrived for a 2 night trip with a game plan, that being, if I could see fish using the shallower water then I would fish for them, if not I would target the deeper areas of the lake, in middle ground using Zig rigs and explore the water column to see if I could find a few localised fish. Well I couldn’t find or see any signs in the swims giving access to the shallower spots, so opted for Zig rigs, fishing anywhere between 6 and 10 feet down from the surface. Using bits of foam as hookbaits is alien to me so to make sure there was a food signal around my hookbaits I dipped the foam in Cell Activator to make sure there was a food signal coming from the hookbait that the fish could home in on. It did the trick as three fish to 29lb told me I was on the right lines. Here’s hoping it will continue."
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