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Mainline Latest News

Getting it on, with 'The Don'

We recently caught up with one of carp anglings most entertaining characters, Derek 'The Don' Ritchie at Boyton Cross fishery, Essex. The plan was to film some video clip's for our Video Vault section, hopefully catching some 'live' fish playing action. 'The Don' didn't let us down, catching some hard fighting Boyton carp, expertly on cue  for our short stay with the camera.

Between battling carp, Derek then showed there's more to the long standing Mainline angler than raising smiles, by producing a number of 'Top-Tip' video showcases. From PVA bags to the 'Conka' rig, it's all covered by 'The Don' in his uniquely entertaining and informative style. So make sure you check out these videos and 'Get it on, with The Don'!!!
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